Black colour / Dark mode

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Black colour / Dark mode

Post by himi » Sun Apr 24, 2022 10:41 pm

Hi there, admin,

First of all thanks for the great app. I bought it because of my problems with DPF, as most of the users here, I assume.

Since I drive with the app every time now, until the problem is fixed, I would like to ask you to add black colour or even dark mode. The reason I'm asking this is because I drive at night quite often and the app colours are just too bright.
I believe it should but quite easy and quick update, adding black colour for the tiles, the data (numbers and graphs) then in dark gray.
I hope it makes sense. This would be really helpful.
Many thanks!

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Re: Black colour / Dark mode

Post by admin » Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:11 pm

Good advise! I try some color setup and post here the results.

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