VAG DPF - User Manual: Connecting

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VAG DPF - User Manual: Connecting

Post by admin » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:53 am

Connecting with Bluetooth ELM327 adapter
Before connecting the app, you have to pair the device to the adapter using the standard bluetooth connection menu of the Android device.
To be paired, the adapter must be powered on (connected to the car or to a 12V supplier)
When your adapter is paired, you have to setup the connection in the VAG DPF options menu:
  • open the app
  • click the Settings icon (gear icon at the top-right of the screen)
  • scroll down to Adapter options section
  • select Bluetooth in Connection type
  • select the adapter name in Select Bluetooth ELM327 (the list contains all paired adapters, if you can't find the adapter name, check again the pairing or pair it again)
  • exit Settings menu
  • press CONNECT button if you want to connect or quit the app
The app saves the adapter name and you don't have to select it again for next sessions. You simply have to power on the adapter (if not already on) and start the app.
Connecting with WIFI ELM327 adapter
Before connecting the app, you have to connect the device to the adapter WIFI network using the standard WIFI connection menu of the Android device; usually, if the adapter network was already saved, enabling the WIFI on your device should establish the connection.
To be visible, the adapter must be powered on (connected to the car or to a 12V supplier)
When your adapter network is connected, you have to setup the connection in the VAG DPF options menu:
  • open the app
  • click the Settings icon (gear icon at the top-right of the screen)
  • scroll down to Adapter options section
  • select WIFI in Connection type
  • you don't have to select any adapter in the list because the app uses the WIFI network connected in that time
  • exit Settings menu
  • press CONNECT button if you want to connect or quit the app
The app saves the connection type and you don't have to select it again for next sessions, you simply have to enable WIFI in your device and wait for the connection with the adapter network (if it doesn't happen automatically, open the WIFI connection menu of your Android device and force the connection with the adapter clicking on its name), then start the app.
