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log format change or option to 2nd format output

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:39 am
by dedkus
I tried to find some easy way to make graphs out of log file...and failed. Sphreadsheets need so much time and has troubles with long X axis series. Even worst when between values are big time holes...

But I get tip to aplication which is used to graph data from profesional diagnostics -, it worked nicely with test data, but show nothing with log from VAG DPF.
So my wish is to get log compatible with graphing tools, which can eat this log format...except logview i found

I do not find any good documentation about the format, but I was able to perl convertion script which works fine for my data.

Anyone can get it from here and there are also test data for my car - as I am just investigating why is regeneration fired so often.

Cheers Radek

Re: log format change or option to 2nd format output

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:28 am
by admin
Hi Radek,
interesting post.

But I don't understand what's the problem using excel to generate a graph. I use it daily without problems, I simply put all (or needed) data in a line graph and the time in X axis.
If I understand the problem, maybe I can correct the format.

Re: log format change or option to 2nd format output

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:23 pm
by dedkus
I would say that log display should as easy as your aplication is on android. I believe when you test it on longer data you realize the same as me I do not like to bother with any spreadsheet anymore. I forgot to add link , it is free for personal use.i am not connected with them I just like it...

Re: log format change or option to 2nd format output

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:32 am
by admin
Interesting! I'll give a check.

Re: log format change or option to 2nd format output

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:18 am
by alexeaa
You can make graphs from a log file using this link: